GRK 1721

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  • Responsible Research 2017


    What is responsible research? How can I present data accurately and reproducibly? What exactly is plagiarism, and how can it be avoided? What do I need to know about open science? What is an Ombudsperson?

    A campus-wide event for next-generation researchers. more

  • Cutting Edge Technologies

    cutting edge

    Hear keynote speakers who have developed groundbreaking methods (CrisprCas and Optogenetics) and have visionary ideas for the future (Connectomics).
    Participate in break-out sessions with local pioneers in application of a wealth of cutting-edge techniques right here on the Campus Großhadern/Martinsried. more

  • Responsible Research 2014


    The graduate programs of the Life Science Campus Großhadern/Martinsried jointly hosted an event on responsible research conduct.
    All researchers are obliged to conform to rules of Good Scientific Practice. These rules are often implicit – the border between acceptable and unacceptable practice is often unclear. more

  • Kick-off Meeting


    The GRK1721 Kick-off Meeting took place on November 28, 2012.

    We had an exciting afternoon with guest speakers in the area of structural biology hybrid methods from leading institutions abroad as well as from Munich. more